Monday, July 29, 2013

Three Months Already?

This beautiful baby boy is just growing too darn fast!  I need to do something to slow down time.  Has anyone figured that out yet?  Sometimes it seems like our days are never ending - especially when we don't have a fun outing planned and daddy is working late - but our weeks fly by.  I just don't get it.

 We have been working really hard on building up Jack's strength with lots of tummy time.  Little by little his is making real progress!  He starts out lifting his head quite a bit and turning it from side to side.  He has one book in particular that he loves to look at.  I've also seen a little bit of the superman move when he lifts his head and his legs for a moment.  While Jack's on his tummy those sweet little legs just kick and kick.  One of these days these little power thighs are going to roll him over and he will be so surprised!

Here is his monthly picture in the chair.  As soon as I disappeared behind the camera so did his smile.  No matter what I did I could not get a smile on camera.  Will tried to help, but he just succeeded in knocking Jack over.  It was pretty cute how sweet

Will was when he tried to sit Jack back up.  Before I know it he will be sitting up all on his own.  I feel like if I blink I will miss it.  After dinner we celebrated three months of Jack with a bike ride.  Poor Jack wasn't to wild about it at first, but the big boys had a blast.  Will cracked me up in his helmet.  About halfway through our walk he tried to pull it off and kept yelling 'hat off' as loud as he could.  So funny.

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