Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Zoo

A couple weeks ago Brian took Max to the zoo for a class.  It was fabulous, but unfortunately when they tried to ride the train afterwards there was lightning and it was shut down just as they were about to board.  I don't think Max has ever been so upset.  So on Sunday we headed back to the zoo with the promise to ride the train TWO times - thank goodness we have a pass (Bev and Karen you are the best!).  The look on Max's face when he saw that train coming was priceless!

As always Max was the man with the map.  He let us know anytime a tunnel was approaching.  The zoo employee in front of us was impressed that he was only five.  He called Max 'precocious'.  I'll take that to mean intelligent.
After our second trip around we headed out to see a few animals.  This grizzly bear was pretty darn cute.  The boys thought he was fabulous.  Will asked daddy to pick him up so he could have a better look. 

We saw some monkey's too.  Will thought their pink butts were pretty funny, but I didn't think I should post a picture of that. 

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