Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Playdate Fun

Today we headed out to my friend Kim's house.  Her little guy, Blake, is just a few months younger than Will.  I told the boys that we would be going to Blake's house to play in the sprinkler.  When I was feeding Jack at 7:30 this morning Will brought me his shoes and said 'Blake house please'.  It was adorable.  A little bit later we did indeed pack up to go to Blake's house and the boys were so excited.  What's not to be excited about?  A friend, a sprinkler, different toys. . . sounds pretty good if I do say so myself. 

The three boys had a blast playing in the sprinkler and there weren't at all fazed that it was 90+ degrees outside.  I'm hoping that we can get together with Kim and Blake again before school starts up again.  It is hard to believe, but the first day is just a few weeks away!

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