Monday, July 8, 2013

The Cousins

The boys love their cousins.  Max talks about how we should take an airplane to California to see Bridget and Sean and he talks about how he has BIG cousins that live far away.  He hasn't met new cousin Madeline so he doens't say too much about her.  He does talk all the time about Paisley and Graham.  Since they have moved farther away we don't see them as often, but when we do watch out becuase there is a whole lot of fun about to be had. 

The anticipation of Graham and Paisely's fourth of July visit lasted all week. In fact Max woke up on THursday morning and said he had 'an excelenet dream'.  When I asked what it was about he said that he rode on Metrolink to pick up his cousins and then they all went to the pool.  It was too darn cute.  They kids did in fact head to the pool on Thursday.  Will LOVED it.  Grandma Mindy said he want up and down the little slide 100 times.  Max was much more cautious.  We really need to get him back into swimming lessons.

On Friday we headed downtown to the Cetnral Library for a special Wizard of Oz exhibit. Max and Will had a great time!

Will thought it was too funny to stick his head through this hole so he could be the great and powerful wizard.

 As usual, Jack just sat back and took it all in.  At times it was like he was telling me 'Mommy, can you belive my crazy brothers?'

Max tested out his brain on the puzzles in the scarecrow's portion of the exhibit.

Max and Will showed how brave they could be by entering the cave of courage.  Seconds after this cute little shot was taken Will apparetnly bit Max and many tears ensued becuase as Max said ' Will did it on purpose.'

It was a great outing with even better company.  I love watching my boys explore new places and learn knew things.  It is just so much fun!

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