Thursday, July 4, 2013

Adventure Day

Max has several toys that drive me crazy, but of course he and Will love them.  These yellow diggers/trucks all have buttons that you can press and they yell out 'Caterpillar Power'.  I think I have heard 'Caterpillar Power' about a million times.  I've tried hiding them, but somehow the boys always seem to find them.  Well on Saturday they got a glimpse of some real Caterpillar Power.  We packed the kids up at 6am and headed to Peoria, IL - home of Caterpillar. 

 There were diggers of all shapes and sizes for hte kids to climb on and try out.  The wheel Max is standing next to is a replica of one of Caterpillar's largest pieces of mining equipment.  It was crazy to see just how huge some of the things were. 
Max, and Brian too for that matter, loved the simulators.  You sit in a chair and use the controls to run the equipment. I have to say that running a backhoe is tough work.  I was totally confused by the controls, but Max seemed to do pretty well -until it pinched his finger that is.

 Will had a blast running around from on piece of equipment to another.  I think this giant digger blade was one of his favorites. 

After leaving Caterpillar we head to lunch - unfortunately mother nature ruined our plans for a nice picnic on the riverfront so it was Chik-fil-a instead.  We then headed to a strange, but rather neat exhibit called Wheels O Time.  They had all kinds of transportation theme equipment from the past.  Will had a great time driving this little car.  
Max loved the train whistles that are behind the boys in this picture.  Mommy wasn't too crazy about all of the creepy old maniqunis they used. 

Our trip was a huge success and we are looking forward to going on another adventure soon.

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