Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our Little Firefirghters


Today was so much fun!  Aunt Anna is still in Columbia working on her masters degree - way to go Anna.  Since we don't get to see her too often we thought we would visit.  Brian took the day off work and we headed to Columbia this morning.  We got to see Anna's new apartment, which was much nicer than the places we lived during college.  Then we headed to the Boone County Firehouse for a behind the scenes tour!

Aunt Anna's very sweet boyfriend is a firefighter in Boone County.  He kindly offered to give the kids a tour and it was perfect.  They got to climb up into all the different trucks and Max even got to turn on the lights.

The boys were shocked at how heavy Scott's firefighter helmet was, but they sure looked cute trying it on.   They also learned a few ins and outs of being a firefighter.  For example the door of hte truck is always open.  The firefighters uniforms are always ready for them to step right into.  And I think their favorite was the sting that hung from the ceiling with a handle on it.  I think Will was pretty shocked when he pulled on it and the door opened.

I can't think of anything that we could have done today that would have been more fun for these two big boys.

I'm sure the boys could have spent all day on those trucks, but we had  big lunch plans - Shakespeare's Pizza!  Max loved it, Will was too tired to eat, and Jack passed out after some milk for lunch.  He sure looks comfy with his Aunt Anna doesn't he? 

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