Monday, November 26, 2018

Family Halloween Party

 This year for Halloween we had a Power Ranger

A baseball player

 and Mario riding Yosi - again.   Max used this costume for two years and William couldn't wait for it to be his turn.  Best $30 ever spent on a costume. 
 All three boys had a great time celebrating at Aunt Carm and Uncle Mike's party.  They love seeing the kids from the other side of the family and they had a great time hanging out with them. 

This guy kept cracking me up with his super special Power Rangers moves.
 Of course Nonna was there - with pumpkin hat.  After a while I realized that it was part of a dog costume. 
 As always Aunt Carm knows just how to throw a party - complete with smores.
I think next year Max might actually be taller than his Aunt Anna!  This party was just what we needed after a stressful week.  Family time is the best time!

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