Thursday, November 29, 2018

Cahokia Mounds

We had another gorgeous day so we tried to squeeze in one more adventure with the cousins.  We visited Cahokia Mounds!  I don't think I had been there since I was a kid on a field trip.  It was way better than I remembered. 

We explored the visitor center and watched a movie about what they suspect life was like for the Mississipians.  It was pretty fascinating and I think the kids actually learned a bit. 

Then we headed out to climb to the top of Monks Mound.  The views from the top were pretty gorgeous. 

 I just love this picture of Jack and his big cousin, Paisley.  She is so sweet with him and he just adores her.  It melts my heart.

 We topped off the outing with some delicious ice cream from Ted Drews.  I think they liked it :)

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