Monday, February 27, 2017

Butterflies and a Birthday

I'm a bit behind - as usual - but I wanted to document Brian's birthday.  It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful outside.  We took full advantage of the gorgeous, and very unfebruary weather and spent most of the weekend outside.  As an added bonus the cousins were in town too!

Brian's birthday was Sunday the 19th.  We started with some baking at home before heading to the park.  All of the kids had a blast running around like crazy at the park.

 After the park we headed over to the butterfly house.  It was actually pretty magical as we entered the butterfly filled dome.  The kids were told beforehand that they needed to be calm and they were.  I think they all had hopes that a butterfly would land on them if they were calm enough.

 Daddy nad Paisley were both lucky enough to ahve a butterflies land on them as we explored.  We headed back outside to explore the outdoor garden.  Things aren't quite up to snuff yet out there - nothing is growing and the pond is empty - but that didn't stop these crazy kids from having a great time.
We wrapped up the birthday with dinner and dessert over and Grandma and Grandpa's house.  See that fancy torte in front of Brian - I MADE THAT!  I was so impressed with myself.  It was pretty funny actually.  The recipe was in the paper about three weeks ago.  Brian carefully ripped it out and requested that I make it for his birthday.  I wonder what he will request for the big 40 next year?

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