Saturday, November 26, 2016

Neighborhood Parade

Apparently long ago the neighborhood had a costume parade every Halloween.  Now that the houses are turning over to young families again a few people decided to start the tradition again. I think everyone was surprised just how many people turned out for the it!

Max and I made this welcome sign before the party started.  He was super proud of those ghosts :)

We met at the end of the street for a parade that ended in our back yard.  The boys were super excited to have a reason to wear their costumes again.
 I couldn't believe how many kids there were!  It was so fun to see them all dressed up and ready to go.

Max was super honored to lead the parade all the way to our back yard.
It was a pretty funny sight when we arrived - the kids were like little ants and covered the playset in seconds.  I can't wait to see how this event turns out next year!

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