Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

The celebrating continued on Thanksgiving!  Look at all those adorable cousins!  I think my kids were done with pictures by this point.

 Poor Great Grandma wasn't feeling well at all.  At one point I looked over to see William just chatting away to her.  The two of them must have sat talking for 20 minutes.  It really was the cutest thing ever.

Jack took great care of his littlest cousin - at least most of the time.  There may or may not have been a few tears shed over that Elmo.  Sometimes Jack just doesn't know his own strength.  After this he gave Charlotte a hug and knocked her down!

 Uncle Tim and Uncle Andy were teaching Max the rules of the game.  I think I should be concerned.

Of course we couldn't let all 10 grandkids get together without getting a picture with Grandma and Grandpa.  I think Jack and Will were totally over at this point.  

 And one more, just because I'm so ridiculously thankful to have these four boys in my life.  There are times when they make me absolutely crazy, but I wouldn't trade all of the crazy for even a minute without them.  They are my world and I love them all more than they could ever possibly know.

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