Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Purina Farms

We were looking for something fun to do on a beautiful Sunday a couple weeks ago - Purina Farms fit the bill.  We were shocked at how empty the place was.  I guess they had just finished their haunted hayloft Halloween event, so everyone else had already visited.  We loved having the place practically to ourselves.

We got there a little bit later than anticipated so we headed straight to the tractor ride.  The boys loved it - Nonna was a nervous wreck that someone would fall off the edge.

 After our ride we headed in to check out the super cute farm animals.  Jack loved finding bits of food on the floor to give to the goats.

 Chatting with this sweet bunny was pretty fun too.  Jack kept saying how soft the bunny was.  Mommy was just grossed out by all the bunny poop on the hay.

Oh my how I loved this cow.  She was so sweet!  She loved when we would pet her and didn't love it when you stopped.  She tried to show her appreciation by licking you with her giant cow tongue.  It was completely gross and ridiculously funny.  He tongue would practically wrap around you to make sure you paid her attention.  It freaked Jack out a bit - in fact when ever he sees a cow picture in a book he tells me how "that big cow tongue is scary!"

 The big boys had more fun upstairs with the corn tables and the tunnels.  They must have run through those tunnels a million times!  The rope swing was pretty cool too.
We finished up by watching the dog show.  Max made sure he picked the best seats in the house - right where the diving dogs enter the water.  The show was just long enough.  It was a perfect family outing without a meltdown in sight :)

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