Saturday, November 26, 2016

Halloween - The Main Event

We had so many celebrations leading up to Halloween that it really felt like a season rather than a day - I don't think the boys minded at all. 

Eventually the big night arrived.  It was a bit tough because both big boys had school on Halloween - and the day after - this year.  They were worn out!

 We left our candy with the neighbors and headed out trick or treating iwth some others from our street.  All three boys had a great time.  It was hte first year that Jack really got into it.  He walked up and yelled trick or treat at every house - it was pretty darn cute!

The big boys both went through the haunted house on the street like it was no big deal - although I think they were more scared than they let on.  It was crazy warm and everyone was sweaty and worn out by the time we headed home.  It was a pretty great night and they can't wait to do it again next year!

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