Saturday, November 26, 2016

Will's Halloween Party

What a party!  Kindergartners are the only ones at our elementary school that dress up on Halloween, so it feels like a big milestone.  Next year William will be one of the big kids watching, rather than the little kids parading.
They played Halloween music throughout the school as all those amazing cute little kiddos walked through the halls and waved at the big kids.  It was adorable and I love that I have the opportunity to be there for little things like this.  They don't feel like such little things, and before I know it classroom parties will be a thing of the past.  
William was super excited to pose with his buddy while they waited for the parade to begin.  He is having so much fun in kindergarten and its wonderful to see! 

After the parade it was back to the classroom for snack, some crafts and some games.  Pass the pumpkin was super fun, once the kids finally got the idea of sitting in a circle.

Another game involved the kids working on teams to make a mummy.  William was happy to be hte one wrapped up, and his team liked the havign the advantage that his costume was already mostly white.

Our middle man had a huge grin on his face the whole party.  He loved it - and I loved being there to share in the fun with him!

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