Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Big Halloween Celebration

 Great Aunt Carm and Great Uncle Mike always throw and amazing Halloween party.  This year was another one for the books!  I'm  a bit sad that we didn't get a better family picture than this, but I'll take it. 

 William really wanted to be a dog.  This Momma wasn't quite on top of my game this year, so it was Amazon to the rescue.  He loves his little dog costume, and he thinks it's pretty cool that his dog is named Max!

Jack loves pretty much all things PBS, but his favorite is Super Why.  It really is the cutest show ever and does an amazing job of teaching kids about letters and all kinds of reading skills.  He wasn't thrilled iwth his costume when he first put it on, but within minutes he was in love.  He kept yelling "I'm Super Why!"

For eight long years Brian has been waiting to have a kiddo old enough to be an ballot box for Halloween.  Max was super excited about the idea - especially when Brian suggested that he have undecided voters put a piece of candy in for each candidate.  Unfortunately, this has not been a very kid friendly election cycle.  In an effort to shield him - and us - from too much drama we decided to go with this fabulous old stand by.  I don't think Max minded at all!

 Uncle Butch came into town all the way from California - while Mommy didn't get to chat with him as much as I would have liked, the kids enjoyed hanging out with him a bit!

 It was hilarious just how into crouquet the six kids at hte party were.  Even Jack got in on the action!

We finished up by roasting marshmallows with Nonna.  It doesn't get much sweeter than that!
I think it is pretty clear that everyone had a great time.  We can't wait for next year's celebration!

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