Saturday, November 26, 2016

Jack's Party

Jack was super excited to celebrate Halloween at school.  He loved his Super Why costume, so he welcomed any excuse to wear it :)

The party started with a parade all around the school.  Jack sometimes gets a bit overwhelmed in unfamiliar situations, but he paraded and waved to the audience like a champ!  It didn't hurt that his super sweet teacher had his hand. 

After the parade it was time for songs in the little gym.  For weeks I had been hearing all about the five little pumpkins that were sitting on a gate, so it was fun to hear him sing it with his classmates.

His favorite song had to do with stirring witch's brew.  They throw in all kinds of gross stuff and at the end everyone gets to yell boo - that is his favorite part!

 There were games after the songs and Jack wanted to make sure he did everything!  From the play doh to the pumpkin walk, he was all about hte party games.  It was fun to watch his excitement as he explored each new game.

Jack's teacher sent me this picture on Halloween and it made me smile.  I'm so grateful that he is in a school where he can grow and learn, all while while being loved and supported.  Every child should be so lucky!

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