Saturday, November 26, 2016

Max's Halloween Party

 Luckily Max's party was an hour after William's - so I was able to help out at both!  I took the lead with Max's party, so there aren't quite as many picutres of the fun.  But there sure was lots of it!

We started out with a craft using the kids hand print to make a ghost.  The hand print ghost peeked out of a black window frame and it turned out pretty cute.  I was shocked at just how big Max's hands have gotten!  I swear he has just had another growth spurt.  I'm really hoping his pants last him the whole winter - he might have some chilly ankles come February if he keeps this up!
The kids enjoyed the craft, but they live for the games!  This year we had them work in teams to blow a spider across the desks.  They had to be careful to avoid the cracks inbetween.  Max mad it in just two blows.

The best game had to do with blaancing a baloon on a sno-cone cup.  They loved it!  Those kids could have played this game for hours.

It was another great party for Max and his classmates - and I had fun planning it with the other moms.

It's hard to believe that Max is more than halfway through elementary school.  He is just growing up so fast.  His head reaches my shoulder now and I know in just a few years he will probably be taller than me.  It makes me sad, but at the same time I'm enjoying the individual he is growing up to be.  We are so incredibly lucky!

1 comment:

stevenjared0853 said...

Hey!! This Halloween party is great. Want to arrange a similar party at famous venues in Los Angeles. Going to invite all my friends and their kids to this event. Planning to hire Halloween costumes too for everyone as want to make this day special and enjoyable according to theme.