Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Zoo

The boys have a four day weekend.  We took care of some necessities - the dentist - yesterday morning and then headed to pick up Nonna and Nonno for a visit to our favorite place - the zoo!

It is always a good time and our visiti didn't disapoint - although some little boys were not hte best listeners. . . .

As an extra bonus we were able to check out all the fun Boo at the Zoo decorations as we explored!

 No visit would be complete without the mandatory train ride.  Jack was thrilled to have Nonna and Nonno all to himself in one bench.  The big boys insisted we sit in the very last seat.  They know the drill, and sure enough the kind woman let them both say all aboard at each stop. I think this was their very favorite part of the visit!
 Max and William were happy to show Nonno our zoo's newest addition - Kali the polar bear!  They were all a bit grossed out when we went to the other window and saw that he was chewing on a crazy big bone.

 There is no doubt about the fact that this little man was cranky!  Luckily a ride on Nonno's shoulders cheered him up a bit.
 Both William and I were super excited to get this picture.  Last year for the 100th day of preschool each child brought in 100 pennies.  They used the money to become zoo parents for an orangutan.  Their name is still listed and Will thought it was pretty cool!

Friday's outing wore me out, so I"m still debating what to do with the boys on Monday.  Hopefully there will be less time spent pushing mommy's buttons no matter what we do!

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