Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Will's Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

I was fortunate enough to attend Will's very first filed trip ever!  It was to our very favorite pumpkin patch, so it was pretty much meant to be.

I swear they were more excited than they appear here :)

 We started out with a hayride.  It was tough to hear too much that our tour guide was telling us, but the boys loved it.  I think Will was determined to clear the entire wagon of all the hay.

We explored pumpkinland for a little over an hour.  I will admit that it was a little bit miserable.  I swear it was 20 degrees warmer at home!  It was cold and it even rained on us for a little bit.  It didn't slow these guys down at all.  I they were still willing to zip every zipline, slide down every slide, overcome every obstacle course, and swing in every swing.  The only thing they weren't okay with - the dark hay tunnels.  

After the pumpkin patch the kids boarded the bus to head for lunch at the park.  The original plan was to let the kids play on the playground for a while after lunch, but it was just too wet!

Will had a great time and when we got home he asked me if I could go on every single field trip he ever has in his whole entire life.  I told him I would love to!

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