Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Max's Zoo Field Trip

 So I'm totally behind on my blogging - there are so many things that I want to document recently!

First up - Max's field trip to the zoo!  It is always one of our very favorite places to visit, so a field trip here was an added bonus.  The kids were studying food chains so we started off with a class in the education center.  Max and his classmates were able to learn about food chains and see lots of consumers - they even got to pet them!  Max said this chinchilla was super soft.

After class there was time for us to explore the zoo together.  The Puma's were in rare form this morning.  One kept hissing at the other and the kids were convinced that something big was about to happen.  

 Max and his buddy posing near the giraffes.  It was a beautiful morning to explore!  We finished up with a sack lunch before the kids headed back to school on the bus.

He is getting so old - but I'm glad he isn't too old to pose for a picture with mom every once in a while.  I love that as a stay at home mom I can attend things like this.  I know it never would have been possible if I was still teaching!

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