Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jack's First Dentist Appointment

Yesterday Jack had his very first dentist appointment!  It was so darn cute!

The dentist was wonderful with him.  She really took her time and tried to make him feel comfortable before she started in on his teeth.

These pictures crack me up.  Every time Jack get nervous or he meets someone new he tried to play peek a boo with them.  It's his own little coping mechanism to break the ice a bit.  I mean come on who doesn't love a good game of peek a boo!?

 Eventually I sat down and put Jack on my lad.  He allowed Dr. Matthew to look at his teeth a little bit, but he wasn't totally sold.  I'm so glad that she didn't push things too far.  She just followed his lead and the whole experience was a very positive one.  In fact as I type Jack is on the floor playing with the wind up caterpillar he picked from her treasure chest.

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