Saturday, October 8, 2016

Family Hayride

 THe other day at hte gym I saw an flyer for a family hayride at a local state park.  We have thought about doing it in the past, but it always seemed to be so late for the boys. Now that they are a bit older, we decided to go for it. I'm so glad we did!  It was a fabulous night!

We boarded the hayride and went on a ride around the park.  The sun was just setting and it was beautiful.  The ride ended at a clearing and we all got our dinner.  The boys were super excited that their were chips. 
Of course,Jack always feels obligated to make his one nad only scary face every time a picture is taken these days.

 After dinner the boys were ready to roast marshmallows.  I think they need longer sticks next year!

Then it was time for the entertainment.  The boys have seen Babaloo several times - at both of their schools and the library.  Personally I find him rather loud and annoying, but the kids eat it up - underwear jokes and all.   Will and Max were totally into their new job as drummers - Jack thought it was a little loud and just decided to take it all in.
Then for the grand finale he blew toilet paper all over the kids.  It was ridiculous, and cheesy, and they loved it!

I think even Brian would admit that this was a pretty fun night!  It often feels like we do the same old family activities all the time, so this was perfect!  I can't wait for next year.

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