Friday, July 3, 2015

Our Little Scientists

Yesterday we planned a visit to the zoo with a friend.  Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate with our plans, so we ended up at the Science Center.  I was amazing!  There were so many fun things for the kids to explore together.

We explored the discovery room for the first time and it was perfect for our family.  The best part of all is that the room is contained so I could feel comfortable knowing that no one could escape.

This water table was a huge hit with all three boys.  They enjoyed working to control the flow of the water with different dam arrangements.  Jack just loved watching the toys float in the current.
 Jack loved bugs.  He made a bee line for the hissing roaches and didn't want to leave.  He kept saying 'hi bug' and blowing them kisses before he left. 
 We met a friends little boy there too and these three were too cute.  James is just a week older than Will and all three of the big boys enjoyed playing together.  This rocket ship was super entertaining for them because it had a microphone.  They must have announced the blastoff thirty times. 

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