Monday, July 27, 2015

Peach Picking

Wow, it's hot out there!  I loaded up the boys bright and early so we could pick up Great Aunt Carm for a fun adventure.  Our goal was to avoid the heat, but I think my sweaty little boys would beg to differ.

 The boys were excited because the farm was pretty empty.  I guess that's what you get on a Monday morning.  Max took full advantage of the fact and climbed up on the oh so coveted top seat.

Once we were in the orchard we realized that it was empty because everyone picked all the peaches over the weekend.  Luckily Great Aunt Carmelina had the eagle eyes and she was able to spot some yummy ones for us.

All three boys were super into picking the fruit this time around.  Jack got right into the thick of things.  Eventually he tried one and he seemed a little distracted from that point on.

Both of the big boys wanted thier own bucket for their peaches.  Poor Jack was sad not to have his own, but Max was sweet and shared his bucket with Jack.  All in all they had a great time - and we came home with a whole lot of peaches!

Looks like I'll be making a peach crisp with dinner tonight. and tomorrow night, and the night after that. . . 

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