Wednesday, July 15, 2015

History Clubhouse

We have been on the lookout for some new family activities and here is one of them.  Nonna joined us and we headed to the History Museum for the very first time.

 They just opened a brand new kdis area last week so we headed straight for the history clubhouse.  There were lots of things for the kids to explore.  Will loved playing with the horn on the steam ship.  There was also a trolly that showed what our city used to look like many years ago.  Max's favorite part was the fishing pond.

 After the clubhouse we went to story time.  I have to say that story teller could have used one less book and a whole lot more spunk.  The kids loved the craft at the end - they each made binoculars that you can see in the picture above.  Jack in particular loves his new 'eyes' and hasn't let them go since.

I'll count this outing as a win!

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