Monday, June 29, 2015

Our Baseball Player

Max played on our church's baseball team this spring.  Brian helped out as an assistant coach and they had lots of fun together.  It was fun to watch that the boys are really learning to play the game.  They get actually outs, rather than just getting five runs every inning.  I was so proud of Max for giving it his all and really growing as a player.  Little by little our oldest man is learning to persevere, even when things don't come easily.

 I love these two to death, but I have to admit it was really tough enjoying Max's games while trying to keep them contained.  They were just wild men and were all over the place.  I think that's the reason I only made it to a couple of his games this season.

I don't have pictures to document just how busy our June has been, but take my word for it.  Max did two weeks of swim camp at the same place he went last year.  They really know what they are doing over there and he made great progress again this year.

Last week all four of us spent our mornings over at church for Vacation Bible School.  It was so much fun!  The big boys were able to participate in everything and Jack went to the nursery.  He loved it!  I was one of hte games coordinators so I was able to watch the boys enjoy there week.  It was so fun to see how they interacted with the other kids and how independent they are becoming.  Thursday night they had a show and tell for parents and it was the most entertaining hour of our week.  Max had all the moves down perfectly to his songs and he took his job very seriously.  Will was his usual passionate little self.  He put his whole heart and soul into his moves - even if they weren't exactly what everyone else was doing.

I'm excited about having a few quite days this week.  We are meeting a friend at the zoo on Thursday and Brian is off Friday so we are trying to come up with a fun outing then as well.  Can't wait to see what we do!

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