Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Cousins are Here!

The kids just love their cousins!  We have been fortunate enough to be able to spend quite a bit of time together lately.  On Sunday we went to the Botanical Gardens together along with Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tim.  I think everyone had a great time!

 How is it that my boys are looking so old!?  I feel like Max is practically a teenager.  Jack wants to do everything his big brothers do.  Including climbing rope ladders.  The poor guy tries will all his might before getting really upset when he struggles.  Will is so independent.  I often hear him tell me "I don't need any help!"   It's so fun to just watch them grow and change.

The kids had a blast with the boats and the dams.  I think Uncle Tim had a pretty good time with it too.  Max loved this last time we visited and this time Will was able to get the hang of using the water to get the boats downstream. Jack just wanted to throw the boats in the water.

 Jack's love of the boats meant that we were constantly fishing them out of the water just so he could throw them back in again.   By this time in our day the kids were hot!  We have had a really mild summer, but when the heat hits it really hits!  These flushed little cheeks were ready to head to the splash pad!

There are no pictures of the big kids at the splash pad because they just wouldn't stand still long enough.  They had a blast running through the sprinklers.  This pedestal was a huge hit.  If you jump on it water shoots out.  The big kids loved it!  Jack was ridiculously proud when he was able to climb up there and stand all by himself.

On our way out the cousins tried this boat on for size before we headed to the car.  They all had a great time and it was made all the better because they were together.  I have a vivid memory of my grandma taking me and my cousins to the garden when we were little.  We fought like cats and dogs before she finally just brought us back home.  Glad my boys got along a bit better with their cousins!

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