Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Great Bug Hunt

One of the contractors Brian works with sends out a weekly note about different things going on around town.  This week he noticed The Bug Hunt at the Butterfly House.  We decided it sounded pretty fun so along with Nonna we headed over to the park to check it out.

The kids got to use nets to try to collect different bugs.  There were jars to put them into and a few entomologists to help us learn about what we caught.  

 Jack was pretty excited about the ants he found crawling around in the dirt.  Will looked with all his might, but wasn't able to catch any bugs.  Max was a bit terrified because there were bees.  Ever since the awful yellow jacket incident of 2012 he has been really scared of anything that flies that might possibly sting him.
 This wonderful entomologist really seemed to help Max get over his fear just a bit.  He explained that bees are really just pollinators and they want nothing to do with us.  He explained that yellow jackets are hunters and that is why they are so different.  Today we saw a couple bees near flowers and I was able to remind Max that since they were near flowers they were simply pollinators, not hunters, and he seemed to be okay with that.

 After the bug hunt we explored the garden.  I love this picture!  Three of my four crazy boys!

Outside there were several crafts and activities for the kids to try out.  They made little bees and used cinnamon and powered sugar to show how the bees use their 'fuzzy butts' to transfer pollen from one plant to another.  The big boys favorite game was this one where they stomped on the board to make the bugs fly and tried to catch them in their nets.  They weren't too successful but they loved it.

 Then we walked through the butterfly house.  This guy was in heaven!  He couldn't believe his eyes.  He would put his hands on his cheeks and yell 'butterfly, where are you?"  Then he would chase what ever ones he saw.
Watching my boys enjoy nature and discover new things is just so much fun!  Another fun family day in the books.  Tomorrow we are going to the History Museum for another new activity.  Can't wait!

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