Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Last Christmas a close family friend made a donation to a horse rescue rather than getting the boys presents.  It was perfect.  They got a little certificate and a card all about the horse that the donation was going to help.  This cute little stuffed horse was also included.

Since Brian was off on Friday we decided to make the trek so the boys could meet Tumbleweed.  First we met this cute guy.  His name is Twister.  There is actually a book about him.  His mother was pregnant with him when her trailer was involved in an awful accident on the highway.  Volunteers from Longmeadow came to help out.  While many of the animals didn't make it Twister did.  He was born and raised at the ranch.  There is even a picture book about hte story that I read to the boys.
It was pretty neat for them to meet the star of the story in person. He was so sweet and loved the attention that the boys showered upon him.

 There were a few rescued donkeys too.  The boys were pretty funny trying to feed them some hay.
 Then we found him,  Meet Tumbleweed.  This sweet horse was rescued from a rural part of the state and he was so undernourished that he couldn't even stand and was 200 pounds underweight.  Today he is a healthy happy horse all because of the ranch.

 I explained to the boys that because they didn't get one more toy at Christmas time this horse, and a couple others, were able to be live a happy healthy life.  I'm not sure the got it, but I hope maybe it sunk in at least a little bit.   I want them to appreciate what they have and recognize just how fortunate they are.  I want them to see how rewarding helping others can be.  Seeing how excited they were to pet Tumbleweed gave me hope.

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