Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Shaw Nature Preserve

Two new outings in one week!  We are on a roll!  This morning we met friends at the Shaw Nature Reserve.

 There were lots of beautiful wildflowers and tons of paths for hiking.  We stuck mostly to the Children's Nature Classroom.  This area was all geared towards kids and gave them lots of opportunity to climb and explore.  It was right up the boys' alley.  They had a great time!

 This climbing tree was a huge hit.  Max and Will immediatly climbed right up to the top.  Jack wanted so badly to keep up with his brothers!  He climbed with all his might and probably would have made it to the top if I wasn't so worried about him falling.

We took a short walk along one of the paths around a lake.  The highlight for Max and Will was a special bridge for them to climb across.  It was made to look like a tree that had fallen tree.  It made Nonna a nervous wreck.  I have to admit I'm really, really glad no one fell in the water. 

So two new outings this week and both were a success!  We will take it!

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