Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Spring Campouts

 It was a big weekend for all three boys - spring campout time!  For Max that meant something super special - his first two night campout with the boy scouts!  I was nervous dropping him off, but he did great!  He was proud to inform me that the wore the same shirt the entire time :)

 While Max was away we took William and Jack to the Cub Scout campout.  Our usual location was booked so we tried a new park and it was beautiful!

 The boys were able to explore the river bank - including this giant mound of mud leftover from the flooding the previous week. 

Everyone got ridiculously dirty and had the time of their lives. 

I love this picture of William and his buddy Sawyer.  Little boys and a beautiful setting.  Pretty much perfection. . . until it was time for bed and I was too cold to sleep :)

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