Thursday, May 16, 2019

God Bless William

Will celebrated his first holy communion on May 4th.  I couldn't stop smiling the entire day.  I even teared up watching him receive the sacrament for the first time. 

 Before mass began Great Aunt Carmelina presented William with a very special rosary she had purchased at the Vatican.  She had the rosary on her when she was in St. Peter's square being blessed by Pope Francis.  It was right by William's heart as he received Christ.

 William offered a blessing over us at the end of mass.  His psr teacher has been wonderful!  She is such a kind woman and does a great job working with this wild group of boys each week.

We continued celebrating with lunch at Edgewild.  This room was the perfect spot for everyone to relax and chat.  William is so lucky to have so many people that took time from their lives to celebrate with him. 

The love for our little man in the middle was just overwhelming.  Growing up as an only child my cousins were like my siblings.  The fact that all of them were there to celebrate William made me so ridiculously happy. 

I still can't stop smiling thinking about how special this day was. 

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