Thursday, May 16, 2019

Happy Birthday Jack!

How is it possible that my baby is six?!?  By the time Max was six he was a big brother two times over.  I can't even imagine.  It just goes so quickly!

Jack had a super great day celebrating at school.  He couldn't wait to get to school for his birthday ribbon and pencil. 

 We celebrated at home with brownies before William's baseball game.  Jack loved being the center of attention. 

The look of pure joy on his face is priceless.  Jack has grown so much this year.  Only about six more days of kindergarten to go and he will officially be a first grader.

 He went to bed on his birthday and said it was a perfect day.  He woke up 30 minutes later yelling that we forgot to have his birthday party at Bounce U.  Silly boy - the party wasn't until the weekend. 

 He had a great time celebrating with his friends from school.  He loved that everyone was there for him.  It was a pretty great day all around.

Before Jack joined our family I knew something was missing.  There was a Jack sized whole, even if we didn't quite know that's what it was. 

He hugs like his life depends on it and loves his momma like no other.  I couldn't imagine a day without our Jack man.  It's an honor to watch him grow day after day. 

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