Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Happy Birthday William!

EIGHT!!  How did that happen!?!?  I can't imagine life without our William.  He brings to much laughter and joy to our family.  He is always the man with a plan.  He is so clever and can solve any problem posed to him and he usually comes up with a pretty great solution. 

 His birthday fell on Easter this year so the celebration included lots of family and was even extra special. 
These three may fight like cats and dogs, but I love how they love each other.  The sheer adoration Jack is showing his big brother melts my heart.

 It wouldn't feel like Easter without a Mattera backyard egg hunt.  As always the boys had a blast and everyone walked away with way too many goodies. 

 Jack's grin here just cracks me up!

 All three boys had a pretty amazing easter.

Of course no celebration would be complete without pictures with Nonna, Great Aunt Carm, and Aunt Anna.  These three amazing women love my boys something fierce, and it brings me more joy than they will ever know. 

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