Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tea Cakes

 I picked out this book at the library last week.  The boys really loved it.  It's a story of a boy whose grandmother tells him stories of their ancestors time as a slave.  She would sneak tea cakes to the slave children to remind them of the sweetness in the world.  It was a beautiful story and the boys asked if we could make the tea cakes from the book. 

The boys had a great time making their tea cakes.  I'm sure they will ask for this story again tonight.  

Tall Enough!

 Guess who is officially tall enough for the big water slide at our pool!?!  William, that's who! 

Two thumbs up from this guy.  He has been waiting for this day for the past three years :)

Great Wolf Lodge

We picked up our nephew and headed to Great Wolf Lodge for the night this weekend.  The kids were so excited to arrive at the water park - and I was so excited about those adorable little wolf ears!

After spending an entire afternoon in the pool we headed out to dinner.  When we returned to the resort the boys were each able to pick an activity to try.  
Jack wanted to give the climbing wall a try.  He decided it was a lot tougher than the climbing wall we have done at home. 

The three bigger boys all tried the ropes course. 

 William's rope kept getting stuck on the track buy he did it!  All three boys loved it and completed the course without any extra help.

The next morning we headed out to breakfast before spending a couple more hours at the pool.  These two were very upset that we didn't let them get oreo waffles al a mode for breakfast. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

School's Out for Summer

Or at least it will be in about five hours. 

Last day of Kindergarten for Jack.

 Last day of 2nd grade for William.
 Last day of 5th grade for Max.  Some day he will smile for me again, right?  I can't believe he is a middle schooler!
These three have grown so much this year  I know I say it often, but the time just flies by faster and faster every year. I love you three more than you will ever know!

Official Boy Scout

 Our boy scout is official!  He earned his first boy scout rank at the Circle of Honor celebration last night.  I'm so proud of him.  He is growing into such an amazing young man and I'm so gratful that I get to watch it happen.

Congratulations Max!  His next big scouting adventure will be a week away at scout camp this summer.  I think he is going to love it.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

5th Grade Celebration

 We had Max's 5th grade celebration last night.  I have to say these past six years have gone by in the blink of an eye.  I swear I was just dropping him off to jumpstart to kindergarten with a newborn and a two year old in tow.

We won seats and parking at the silent auction back in February so it was super nice to have a front row seat.  All the grandparents were out of town, but Great Aunt Carm and Great Uncle Mike were kind enough to join us. 

 Watching my boy walk across the stage for his certificate was surreal.  If you told me last year I would feel good about him heading off to middle school I would have laughed.  But thanks so this amazing lady he is more than ready.  He has grown so much under her care and we know he is more than ready for what lies ahead.

 The boys all enjoyed the refreshments after the ceremony.  I think Max ate four brownies. 

I totally dropped the ball and didn't get a picture of Max with mom and dad, but we still had lots of fun. 

Only about 24 hours until the boys are officially middle schoolers!  Crazy!!

Reader In Me Lunch

 Our elemenary school has a wonderful program to promote reading among the students.  They log thier minutes and earn prizes throughout the year.  At the end of the year there is a special lunch celebrartion for anyone that reached level 10.  Max decided he didn't want to keep filling out the forms, but William and Jack both reached level 10!

 I'm taking over running the program with another mom next year so I was there for the lunch.  The kids were awarded a medal and a certificate after lunch.

They were both so proud of themselves!  I have to say I'm pretty proud too.  Reading is something I love and I'm excited to see my boys learn to love stories as well. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Strings Performance

 Max is hanging up his cello in order to move on to band next year.  Tuesday night we had what is likely his last strings event.  I'm so impressed with how much he has learned!

 Max played along with all of the other 4th and 5th graders at his school.  I just love the look of concentration on his face.

He looked so handsome and grown up in his strings concert clothes.  I swear before I know it he will be taller than me!  

Happy Mother's Day!

 William crawled into bed with me on Sunday morning and told me my gift was snuggles.  It was pretty darn cute.  Unfortunately everyone was feeling a little under the weather and the actual weather was pretty miserable.  I love doing a fun family outing on Mother's Day - this year it was just to visit Nonna at work and bring her lunch.  I'm still calling it a win.

I have no idea how I got lucky enough to have this woman as my mom.  She is the strongest, most thoughtful person I know.  I thank God every day that she is my mom.

I only hope I'm half the mom to these three wild men that she is to me. 

Fishing Day and Dash Day

 Field trips #3 and #4 were with the big 5th grader!  He had fishing day and dash day the last two Fridays.  Both outings were pretty much the entire day and he had a great time!

 I met them out at  Busch Wildlife for the fun.  It was a chilly morning!  I should have worn a heavy coat and I felt awful for sending Max in shorts - although he didn't seem to be bothered at all. 

 The kids had lots of fun activities to do.  Dredging, fishing, water sampling and even a scavenger hunt.  I worked the water sampling table, but I'll admit to being the worst volunteer ever :)

 Today was the final trip - to Vetta for Dash Day.  The kids basically go to play all day.  I don't think Max left the soccer field other than to take a break for lunch. 

 I can't believe this guy is almost done with elementary school.  I still see the preschool that brought meow meow to school every day for nap time.  He is growing up so quickly!