Saturday, October 14, 2017

William's First Scout Outing

The bar has been set pretty high for William's scouting expectations.  His den leader put together hte most incredible outing for the boys last weekend.

We started out on the playground of one of the coolest parks I have ever seen.  William took a moment to take it all in - yoga style.
  His den leader got the boys together and talked briefly about what it means to be a scout.

 He explained that there are special laws Cub Scouts follow and that they would learn more about the laws through a scavenger hunt.

He gave the kids their first clue and they were off!  The boys found all of the clues around the playground until they got to the very last one, which let them to a container full of balloons.
 Each of the balloons had a word of the scout law inside.  William is behind the orange balloon :)

 He welcomed each boy to the den and threw their balloon down from the tower.  The boys each popped their balloons and they are now responsible for teaching their friends about their word at the next den meeting.  William is at the very top of the tower in this picture - why am I not surprised!

 William has to teach his scout friends what it means to be reverent.  This is a tough one.

 We wrapped up with a hike through the woods.  Halfway through the den leader pulled out a bunch of materials about animals the boys might observe and even played sounds of the birds they should listen for.

So proud of this little cub scout - and I so excited for all that is to come!

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