Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Max - Soccer Wrap Up

What a season.  There were some big changes for Max when it came to soccer this year.  Instead of 8 on 8, the boys played 11 on 11.  They also transitioned to a full size field - it is huge!

Max's skills continued to improve throughout the season.  His coaches were great - always encouraging, but always pushing him to do his best.  He had several great assists throughout the season and really felt like he was part of the team.

The last two regular games were this weekend - and it was cold!  Max chose to play in tournament in another two weeks, so I can only imagine how cold that one will be.  He also said yes to indoor soccer with several of the boys from the team.

It's fun to watch his skills grow and I'm proud of how hard he worked this season.

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