Saturday, October 14, 2017

Columbus Day

 The boys were off school and Brian took off work, so we took these three little monsters to the zoo.
 The Grizzly bear exhibit just opened a couple weeks ago.  This was the first time Max and William got to see them.  We have a brother and sister that are still just babies.  I'm sure they will grow quickly!

 Jack's favorite part of the zoo is always the penguins which takes us right through to see Kali the polar bear.  He was super active and the boys just stood at the glass for ten minutes watching him swim circles.  They would giggle every time Kali passed them.  It was pretty impressive if I do say so myself.  He is huge!
Of course we had to ride the train.  I love this picture of Max and Brian.  Max just looks so grown up!

This just makes me smile so much.  All three boys on the train - in the very last seat so that they could say all aboard into the intercom.  William is wearing his 'sausage supper' hat.  Jack is of course saying 'cheese', and Max is just being his sweet little self.  I love them more than they will every realize!

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