Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Field Trip Friday - The Garden

The weather is finally beginning to realize that fall has arrived - at least some days.  Jack and I are doing our best to make the most of our Fridays when we can still go play outside, so we headed to the garden.

 Jack loved all the tropical flowers he saw in the climatron.  Especially this puffy red one that he found on the path.  The Chihuly glass in the ponds really caught his attention and he told me to take a picture -then he posed just like this.

He even found this teeny tiny little frong on one of the plants.  I was amazed at how tiny it was.  Hard to tell from the picture, but it less than a dime in size.
 After the climatron we headed to the Children's Garden - which is a super fun place when it isn't crowded and you are only trying to keep an eye on one kid.  We read about pollinators and he did his part to pollinate these giant plans by ringing the bells inside.
 Jack crossed the fallen logs like a pro.

 And made beautiful music with the xylophone.

I was hoping we could avoid the locks, but once Jack saw hte boats there was no way he wasn't going to check them out.  Luckily by that point in our morning it had warmed up a little bit and he stayed fairly dry.

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