Saturday, October 14, 2017

Field Trip Friday - Grant's Farm

 Another Friday, another field trip!  This time we visited Grant's Farm.  We started out in the stable before we caught the tram and Jack just fell in love with this little cat.

 Along with Nonna we boarded the tram to explore the deer park.  Unfortunately there weren't too many animals out, but I will say that we had the best tour narrator ever!

 Of course we cant' visit without feeding the goats!  Jack was struggling a bit with keeping the bottle upright, but he loved it!

 Cawing at the macaws to see if they would talk back was loads of fun.
 We arrived a little later than we usually do, so that meant we had perfect timing for the elephant show.  Jack enjoyed the show - and his popcorn.
We wrapped up the visit by digging through our bags to find two quarters so that Jack could feed the camels.  Those giggles were more than worth the digging :)

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