Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pumpkin Patch Fun

One of the first grade mom's coordinated a meet up at the pumpkin patch - they kid took a field trip there in kindergartner and loved it. Unfortunately, Brian got stuck at work and we missed everyone.  I think the boys still had a pretty great time, though!

 I seriously cannot wait until this guy give me genuine smiles again.  His cheese face cracks me up though!
 The obstacle course was Jack's very favorite activity.  The look of concentration on his face was just precious!  He was so proud of himself at the end and just wanted to do it again and again.

 Along with Daddy these two big guys braved the corn maze.  I remember getting lost in it last year so I was pretty impressed that they made it through without issue.

 The zipline is always a huge hit.  Max complained that he had a hard landing, but that smile on his face tells me he loved it anyway.
 Jack needed a bit of coaxing, but he did it!

 Oh this little man was in heaven.  He couldn't try things fast enough.  Even a tumble down a five foot tall haybale staircase didn't slow him down!
 Max thoguth this minion haystack was pretty fun.
 No pumpkin patch trip is complete without a hayride.  I was hoping to get  a family shot, but this was the best I could do since we couldn't all sit together and we didn't want to wait for yet another tractor.

Those flushed cheeks show that mother nature was a bit confused and our visit felt more like summer than fall, but that toothless grin also tells you it was a pretty great time!

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