Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Bash

What a fun Saturday night!  We all headed to Aunt Carm and Uncle Mike's for the annual Halloween party.  The boys all had a great time!  I felt like the world's worst mom though.  I had loaded the costumes into the van earlier int he day to make sure I wouldn't forget them.  Brian had to work and we left for the party as soon as he came home - and we took his car.
Needless to say, the costumes didn't make the 30 minute drive.  I didn't realize it until we were unloading.  Ugh.  Not my finest moment.
 In spite of the fact that we had no costumes, we still had a great time.  I mean come on - there were smores!

 I felt a little less guilty about the lack of costumes because it was so chilly outside that the boys had their coats on the whole time.

 This guy was super excited to head over to Nonna and Nonno's for a sleepover after the party.  The little boys had spent the entire day with Nonna while Max was at scouts and his soccer game, so it only seemed fair.

He told anyone that would listen about his sleepover plans and he was sure to let them know that only he was spending the night - not his brothers!
I think this picture sums up a pretty great party - marshmallow face and a juice box and the very end of the night.

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