Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

The celebrating continued on Thanksgiving!  Look at all those adorable cousins!  I think my kids were done with pictures by this point.

 Poor Great Grandma wasn't feeling well at all.  At one point I looked over to see William just chatting away to her.  The two of them must have sat talking for 20 minutes.  It really was the cutest thing ever.

Jack took great care of his littlest cousin - at least most of the time.  There may or may not have been a few tears shed over that Elmo.  Sometimes Jack just doesn't know his own strength.  After this he gave Charlotte a hug and knocked her down!

 Uncle Tim and Uncle Andy were teaching Max the rules of the game.  I think I should be concerned.

Of course we couldn't let all 10 grandkids get together without getting a picture with Grandma and Grandpa.  I think Jack and Will were totally over at this point.  

 And one more, just because I'm so ridiculously thankful to have these four boys in my life.  There are times when they make me absolutely crazy, but I wouldn't trade all of the crazy for even a minute without them.  They are my world and I love them all more than they could ever possibly know.

Pre Thanksgiving Festivities

What an amazing holiday we have had!  All of Brian's siblings came into town with their kids, so there were kids everywhere - and it was perfect!

We hosted dinner Wednesday night to start off the festivities.

 Nonna and Nonno joined in on the celebration since we wouldn't see them for Thanksgiving.  It was so nice that they were able to join us as well.  William and Nonno enjoyed snuggling on the couch for a little downtime, and everyone loved the smores!

It is so fun to see the kids run around with their cousins.  They all played outside together before it got dark, then the games continued inside.  I think the smores were the highlight of the night - I'm so glad Brian thought of it.

Growing up my cousins were practically like siblings to me.  It makes me a bit sad that my kids don't have any cousins in town, but it warms my heart when they do get together and they enjoy every minute of their time.  We are planning a big family vacation in Michigan next summer with all the cousins.  This past week just made me so much more excited for the trip!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Purina Farms

We were looking for something fun to do on a beautiful Sunday a couple weeks ago - Purina Farms fit the bill.  We were shocked at how empty the place was.  I guess they had just finished their haunted hayloft Halloween event, so everyone else had already visited.  We loved having the place practically to ourselves.

We got there a little bit later than anticipated so we headed straight to the tractor ride.  The boys loved it - Nonna was a nervous wreck that someone would fall off the edge.

 After our ride we headed in to check out the super cute farm animals.  Jack loved finding bits of food on the floor to give to the goats.

 Chatting with this sweet bunny was pretty fun too.  Jack kept saying how soft the bunny was.  Mommy was just grossed out by all the bunny poop on the hay.

Oh my how I loved this cow.  She was so sweet!  She loved when we would pet her and didn't love it when you stopped.  She tried to show her appreciation by licking you with her giant cow tongue.  It was completely gross and ridiculously funny.  He tongue would practically wrap around you to make sure you paid her attention.  It freaked Jack out a bit - in fact when ever he sees a cow picture in a book he tells me how "that big cow tongue is scary!"

 The big boys had more fun upstairs with the corn tables and the tunnels.  They must have run through those tunnels a million times!  The rope swing was pretty cool too.
We finished up by watching the dog show.  Max made sure he picked the best seats in the house - right where the diving dogs enter the water.  The show was just long enough.  It was a perfect family outing without a meltdown in sight :)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Halloween - The Main Event

We had so many celebrations leading up to Halloween that it really felt like a season rather than a day - I don't think the boys minded at all. 

Eventually the big night arrived.  It was a bit tough because both big boys had school on Halloween - and the day after - this year.  They were worn out!

 We left our candy with the neighbors and headed out trick or treating iwth some others from our street.  All three boys had a great time.  It was hte first year that Jack really got into it.  He walked up and yelled trick or treat at every house - it was pretty darn cute!

The big boys both went through the haunted house on the street like it was no big deal - although I think they were more scared than they let on.  It was crazy warm and everyone was sweaty and worn out by the time we headed home.  It was a pretty great night and they can't wait to do it again next year!

Max's Halloween Party

 Luckily Max's party was an hour after William's - so I was able to help out at both!  I took the lead with Max's party, so there aren't quite as many picutres of the fun.  But there sure was lots of it!

We started out with a craft using the kids hand print to make a ghost.  The hand print ghost peeked out of a black window frame and it turned out pretty cute.  I was shocked at just how big Max's hands have gotten!  I swear he has just had another growth spurt.  I'm really hoping his pants last him the whole winter - he might have some chilly ankles come February if he keeps this up!
The kids enjoyed the craft, but they live for the games!  This year we had them work in teams to blow a spider across the desks.  They had to be careful to avoid the cracks inbetween.  Max mad it in just two blows.

The best game had to do with blaancing a baloon on a sno-cone cup.  They loved it!  Those kids could have played this game for hours.

It was another great party for Max and his classmates - and I had fun planning it with the other moms.

It's hard to believe that Max is more than halfway through elementary school.  He is just growing up so fast.  His head reaches my shoulder now and I know in just a few years he will probably be taller than me.  It makes me sad, but at the same time I'm enjoying the individual he is growing up to be.  We are so incredibly lucky!

Will's Halloween Party

What a party!  Kindergartners are the only ones at our elementary school that dress up on Halloween, so it feels like a big milestone.  Next year William will be one of the big kids watching, rather than the little kids parading.
They played Halloween music throughout the school as all those amazing cute little kiddos walked through the halls and waved at the big kids.  It was adorable and I love that I have the opportunity to be there for little things like this.  They don't feel like such little things, and before I know it classroom parties will be a thing of the past.  
William was super excited to pose with his buddy while they waited for the parade to begin.  He is having so much fun in kindergarten and its wonderful to see! 

After the parade it was back to the classroom for snack, some crafts and some games.  Pass the pumpkin was super fun, once the kids finally got the idea of sitting in a circle.

Another game involved the kids working on teams to make a mummy.  William was happy to be hte one wrapped up, and his team liked the havign the advantage that his costume was already mostly white.

Our middle man had a huge grin on his face the whole party.  He loved it - and I loved being there to share in the fun with him!

Jack's Party

Jack was super excited to celebrate Halloween at school.  He loved his Super Why costume, so he welcomed any excuse to wear it :)

The party started with a parade all around the school.  Jack sometimes gets a bit overwhelmed in unfamiliar situations, but he paraded and waved to the audience like a champ!  It didn't hurt that his super sweet teacher had his hand. 

After the parade it was time for songs in the little gym.  For weeks I had been hearing all about the five little pumpkins that were sitting on a gate, so it was fun to hear him sing it with his classmates.

His favorite song had to do with stirring witch's brew.  They throw in all kinds of gross stuff and at the end everyone gets to yell boo - that is his favorite part!

 There were games after the songs and Jack wanted to make sure he did everything!  From the play doh to the pumpkin walk, he was all about hte party games.  It was fun to watch his excitement as he explored each new game.

Jack's teacher sent me this picture on Halloween and it made me smile.  I'm so grateful that he is in a school where he can grow and learn, all while while being loved and supported.  Every child should be so lucky!

Neighborhood Parade

Apparently long ago the neighborhood had a costume parade every Halloween.  Now that the houses are turning over to young families again a few people decided to start the tradition again. I think everyone was surprised just how many people turned out for the it!

Max and I made this welcome sign before the party started.  He was super proud of those ghosts :)

We met at the end of the street for a parade that ended in our back yard.  The boys were super excited to have a reason to wear their costumes again.
 I couldn't believe how many kids there were!  It was so fun to see them all dressed up and ready to go.

Max was super honored to lead the parade all the way to our back yard.
It was a pretty funny sight when we arrived - the kids were like little ants and covered the playset in seconds.  I can't wait to see how this event turns out next year!