Friday, August 23, 2013

Jack's Big Day

 Sunday was amazing. We gathered with our friends and family to officially welcome Jack into the Catholic Church.  I have to admit that the deacon was pretty wordy and I wasn't too wild about it, it was still very special. 

Aunt Anna and cousin Tony were proud to step in as Jack's new godparents.  In fact they were both thrilled, Tony especially.  It warms my heart so much to see how they love my little boy.  In fact Tony made sure that Great Aunt Carm got a picture of him with his godson. 

 After the ceremony was finished we took a few pictures.  Our sweet little family of five. . .

 Our family with the proud godparents.
 Then of course one more with the grandparents. 

 They boys were great during the ceremony.  Max wanted to stay close to make sure Jack was okay and Will just about went headfirst into the baptismal fount . . . just when I was thinking that he seems to be listening better. 

 We continued the celebration with a party at our house.  Of course no baptism would be complete without a God Bless cake.  I know I say this all the time, but how did I get so lucky!

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