Thursday, April 18, 2019


We explored Tombstone on our way to an overnight excursion in southern Arizona.  

After a lunch that took forever we explored the town.  Brian remembers coming here as a kid.  He said they had shootouts in the streets and characters dressed up everywhere.  Unfortunately things have changed.  You had to pay for every little thing.  The boys still had fun - and William bought a pair of trick handcuffs that have been the source of countless fights since then.

 We did pay for one extra thing - the haunted house.  All three boys went through with Dana and Daddy. 

This little man cracked me up.  I swear he spent the entire week asking me to take his picture with different cacti to send to his Nonna. 

 All in all it was another great vacation day seeing things that we just can't see here at home.

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