Thursday, April 18, 2019

Hiking in Arizona

 It feels like nothing says Arizona more than a hike where you pass a giant cactus.

Andy, Maxi and the dogs joined us on our adventure and we all had a great time.  

 As we got higher the terrain got tougher.  More boulders to climb over and a much steeper grade.  That didn't stop this guy. He may have been slower than his brothers but he was determined to make it to the top.  He kept telling me that his leg muscles were getting stronger with every step.

 William and Max were off!  They didn't even seem to break a sweat.  They both loved helping Aunt Maxi with the dogs.

How does Max look like a practical teenager here!?!

After about an hour we made it to the top of the trail.  The views were incredible - although the boys just wanted to see how fast they could get down.

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