Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Catching Up - Merry Christmas

 You can't see it, but I'm over here hanging my head in shame.  I seriously don't know where my days go. I'm a stay at home mom with three kids in school and I can't even keep my blog up to date.  I promise my kids are well cared for, dinner is cooked, and the laundry is caught up  . . .  sometimes.

 So here it is the Christmas catch up.  Like every year we spent Christmas Eve with my side of the family.  My cousin Dave was kind enough to host this year - it's so nice!  We have about five families in the rotation now so no one has to do all the work all the time. 

 The kids got a ridiculous amount of gifts.  They have so much fun being the only kids on my side of the family.

 The man in red made his annual appearance and someone was just a tiny big exited :)

 The bigger boys tried to act all cool, but they still get a kick out of Santa's visit as well. 

 We sang our usual Happy Birthday Jesus song on Christmas morning before opening presents and heading over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for lunch.

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