Sunday, December 31, 2017

Strings Open House

Max and his classmates performed an informal little open house up at school right before the holiday.  As always I was super impressed.

 I love the look of concentration on Max's face.  Jack hung out on my lap and actually fell asleep for a few minutes - I was terrified he was getting sick!

 I think our favorite song was We Will Rock You.  I loved the way Max plucked with his fingers and strummed along his cello.  It was pretty great.

Nonna, Nonno, and Daddy also were able to make it.  I swear Max was more excited than he looks in this picture.  He really enjoys playing the cello.  His cello teacher showed the kids some You Tube videos of 2cellos and now Max really wants to get good.  2cellos are coming to town in a couple weeks and Santa brought Max a pair of tickets to their show at the Fox.  I'm really hoping he picks mom to go with him!

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