Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Serving Others

Every year our parish adopts a very poor rural parish a couple hours away.  They make lists, hang them on the trees in the back of church, people pick an envelope and shop.  We have participated for years - we always try to pick kids so that the boys can participate a bit more in the shopping and the joy of giving to someone else.  In mid December the parish center opens up to collect all the donations to drive them down.  Every year I want to volunteer to help and this year it worked out.  In fact we didn't just help one day - we were there both days!

 Every family is numbered and every family member has a letter.  The envelopes contain stickers that we put on the wrapped presents.  Max, William, and I volunteered on collection day.  The boys would grab the presents once they were checked in and get them to the proper boxes.

Will was super excited that we were there for lunch on Saturday - he even got a soda and a candy cane for helping!

 As the boxes filled, the boys had to double check that each box had the correct gifts and tape it up to be put into the truck.  They loved taping up boxes and labeling them checked.

I was so proud of the boys.  They worked hard the entire time we were there both days.  They enjoyed themselves while helping others.  They were both shocked that there were this many people that wouldn't get Christmas gifts and we talked about the fact that we are very fortunate and we should appreciate what we have and help out how we can.  Having a specific job and role to play made them feel like valuable members of the team and it was a joy to watch.

I can guarantee that we will be back to help next year as well!

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