Sunday, December 31, 2017

Christmas Day

What a wonderful morning!  We started out singing Happy Birthday to baby Jesus.

 We even had a special cake and cups for the occasion thanks to our super sweet next door neighbor.

 After singing it was time to open those presents from Santa!  Max was pretty excited about his Wii U mindcraft game.  William was absolutely thrilled with his Nintendo DS.

 The PJ Masks theme continues for Jack as he got a giant stuffed Catboy.  He carries this guy around everywhere and just loves him to death!

 There were lots more presents and lots more smiles.  It was a pretty perfect morning.

 I made something special for each boy.  Max got his big guy quilt.  I had been working on it here and there for months!  I'm so glad it's done and he just loves it.  William loves his dedes.  One of his original dede's tore so I found and old pillowcase and made his dede into a new pillowcase.  He seems to like it!  Jack got a new photobook all about him.  No pic on that one.
 Last gift to be opened was mom's big one.  I love the looks on the big boys face as they watch me open my present.  So far, I'm pretty happy with my Roomba!
 We enjoyed a fabulous lunch with Grandpa, Grandma, and Great Grandma.   It was the perfect afternoon!
 We wrapped up the holiday with a quiet dinner at Nonna and Nonno's house.  I have no idea what was so funny to everyone, but I think there was some tickling involved.  I hope everyone had a wonderful, and very Merry Christmas!

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